The Op Shop

The Op Shop: About

The Opportunity Shop was created in 2009 by Laura Shaeffer, who envisioned utilizing otherwise empty urban spaces on a temporary basis to create sites of community involvement and artistic exchange. The Op Shop is independent of any institution; it is self funded and managed entirely by volunteers.

Each Op Shop is unique in its scope, concept and context. What they all have in common is the desire to expand and build upon our ideas of contemporary art, meaningful education and communal engagement. We hope to see you in March and April during which time we are very pleased to share space, ideas, skills and food.

Op Shop IV, located at 1001 E. 53rd Street, will be starting seedlings for the first of what we hope will be many public learning gardens in and around the south side. We see this as an expanding inter-generational gardening project and resource for neighborhood children, parents and our local schools. The activities during Op Shop IV are a foundation for a collaborative urban farming program and an opportunity for hands on learning about many diverse subjects including nutrition and natural sciences.

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The Op Shop

The Op Shop